

Yoshiko Saheki (She/Her, Ms.)

Yoshiko SahekiAnnual Giving Manager

I’m delighted to be working in this special community and to be part of the future of Northwest School for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children. As a career fundraiser, I have always worked at institutions with an educational mission because education is part of my core values. Learning is joyful and it’s a pleasure to be able to see children in this supportive environment. Their desire to learn and the dedication of the  instructional staff here are truly inspirational!

In my non-working hours, for many years, I’ve pursued environmental restoration projects and received training as a master native plant steward. I also love public libraries and hold library cards in three different library systems. I feel fortunate to be able to reside and work in the same city.

Sign name: “S” taps heart
