

Daryl Reichstein

My name is Daryl Reichstein and I am originally from Houston, Texas and have lived in the Puget Sound area since 1995. I am married to my beautiful wife Anna of 20 years and we have two children Gabriella 17 and Jacob 13. I have worked for Rosen Properties since moving here in 1995 and left briefly for one year in 2007 then came back in 2008. I am currently the Director of Property Management and Construction. I love working for the Rosen Family and each year we get to volunteer at a great facility as part of our United Way Day of Caring. This year we volunteered at NWSDHH and found myself (like many of us here at Rosen Properties) truly amazed at the programs NWSDHH offers and the environment the school provides is so positive and reinforcing. I was most impressed by how the students are advocating for themselves and learning to not only use sign but to speak as part of their communication and learning abilities. I am truly honored to be a part of this board and look forward to working with everyone at the school. 
