I succeed.

Journal Citations

Click on the citation to read the article.

Nielsen, D. C., Stryker, D., Luetke, B. & McLean, M. (Summer, 2016). The English Language and Reading Achievement of a Cohort of Deaf Students Speaking and Signing Standard English: A Preliminary Study. American Annals of the Deaf, 161(3), 342-368.

McLean, M., Nielsen, D. C., Stryker, D., & Luetke, B. (Winter, 2015). Characteristics of Students Who Read on Grade Level: What Can Teachers Influence? Canadian Association of Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 18-25, 36-37.

Appelman, K., Callahan, J., Mayer, M., Luetke, B. & Stryker, D. (Summer, 2012). Education, Employment, and Independent Living of Young Adults Who Are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. American Annals of the Deaf, 157 (3), 264-275.

Nielsen, D. C., Luetke, B., & Stryker, D. (2011). The Importance of Morphemic Awareness to Reading Achievement and the Potential of Signing Morphemes to Supporting Reading Development. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 16 (3), 275-288. doi:10.1093/deafed/enq063